Give me snow cold wet wild weather any day, we got sunshine, heat, blisters, thirsty tired walkers but it was balanced a little by a few ice creams and some simply stunning scenery, so what would you prefer??? It was absolutey beautiful and to be honest we were really really lucky! We started on sauturday under an overcast sky and we made good initial progress. By 11.30 we were still very cool enjoying the coast and enjoying the scenery, but then the sun came out, the sea breeze failed to develop and the temperature started to rise!!! But again we were lucky it was a little cooler on the cliff top, and there were some lovley sheltered sections amongst the cool tree and the views just kept getting better! see photos
Saturday concluded in Oxwich where we found a very cool, shady beer garden which was just perfect and this was also the start of day two-but sadly the bar was not open when we arrived!!!! Instead we headed off across the perfect golden sandy bay, unbroken blue skies above, clear blue seas to our right, just lovely! On the other side of the bay we had to climb up and over into the perfect 3 cliffs bay, where we took a short break to enjoy the view before continuing along our coastal challenge. Sadly the heat was really beginning to build up and with the increaased heat our energies started to faulter, our strides grew shorter and our footsteps heavier! It was so hot the glue holding on our soles gave up an not one but two soles came off!!! But we were not to be deterred and epically drove ourselves onwards, ever onwards (passed hundreds of sun bathers) towards our final destination on mumbles!!!!
Well done everyone, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and more importantly hope you raised lots of money along the way too